Tech Neck Wrap

A warm wrap for tense neck and shoulders



Heuristic Analysis

Ethnographic Research

Product Design Concepts

Low-Fidelity Prototyping

Usability Testing

Present Product Design & Research


I conducted participatory observations of full-stack development students at Prime using the research videos.

I used the AEIOU observations worksheet to record my detailed thoughts, findings, and hypotheses about what might make a suitable substitute for the impersonal water bottle gift or an improved water bottle.

I used the ethnographic researcher mode. The details I captured directly informed my subsequent design decisions to design a product that uses a water bottle.

I evaluated a water bottle using the heuristic analysis method. Then, I synthesized data into a heuristic analysis, including a rating system resulting in a summary report.

I made three product design concepts that our group critiqued. All agreed that the tech neck wrap had the most significant potential for development.

Next, I fabricated a low-fidelity prototype. I prepared an evaluation plan for my usability testing with three participants. Gave them tasks to perform. Then I shut up and let the users do the talking. Next, I synthesized data and presented the Tech Neck Wrap to the group.


3/3 thought the product was functional, and they would be happy to receive the Tech Neck Wrap as a welcome gift from Prime.

Evidence supports that the Tech Neck Wrap is worthy of further research and development.


Tools Used

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Acrobat


Google Slides, Sheets, Docs, Drive




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